The Paris Museum & Historical Society
Paris Museum and Historical Society is an organization that strives to collect, preserve, and make accessible, through exhibits and research materials, the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Paris and District area.
Closed to visitors from December 18, 2024
until February 5, 2025
Open Wednesday to Saturday, 1 - 4 pm
Admission by donation, Come Visit!
Book Launch
Many friends of the museum will be familiar with Bob Hasler’s series of books about the history of The Junction area of Paris. Bob has tirelessly researched the properties, the businesses, the train lines and now, finally, the people of the Junction. Congratulations are certainly in order for his work on this series of books, which is an amazing reconstruction of a specific area of town between 1900 and 1960. The details in each book are a true gift to those interested in the history of Paris.
This fifth and final book in his series was launched at the Museum on November 24th, with Bob available to sign books.
All of his books are currently available at the museum. Contact: info@theparismuseum.com or 519-442-9295
Listen to Bob Hasler, talking about his series of books:
Introduction and Inspiration
About Book #1
About Book #2
About Book #3
About Book #4
About Book #5 & Thanks
Admission by Donation:
Pay what you can to support the museum.
We are all volunteers, so whatever you donate helps to support the preservation of Paris History, and the sharing of that history.
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